Which Size Fast Edge® Roll Should You Choose?

When we were spending years tinkering with a rolled corner bead solution, the two biggest challenges we faced were (a) producing a bead that could live up to the insanely high performance standards Trim-Tex is known for, and (b) creating one bead that could basically do it all, from outside corners to insides, sharp angles to off-angles. To help us accomplish that second goal, we decided to release our rolled bead, Fast Edge® Roll, in not just one or two widths, but four, to help finishers tackle any drywall problem they may face. But which size Fast Edge Roll should you choose? Let’s break down these four widths and which situations call for which size.

To help us explain the four widths of this dynamic new bead, and why you should be rolling with Fast Edge Rolls, here’s Trim-Tex’s own Joe Koenig:

Fantastic Fast Edge Rolls | Drywall Minute w/ Joe Koenig
Fantastic Fast Edge Rolls | Drywall Minute w/ Joe Koenig

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Fast Edge Roll 2.75”: Closets & other lower-profile areas

The smallest, fastest and most affordable option of the four, Fast Edge Roll 2.75” is going to be perfect for finishing lower-profile areas like the insides of closets. It would also work great in higher-profile areas if your framing and drywall is perfectly straight, or if you’re going for something like a level-three finish. That’s because its narrower shape means you’ve got less room for error in the finishing phase, so any underlying imperfections of the drywall are going to be more evident.

But you can’t beat the super-fast finish of this sleek bead — for closets and other areas without a ton of harsh, direct lighting, Fast Edge Roll 2.75” is going to be clutch.

Fast Edge Rolls Are Rolling Out Soon 1

Fast Edge Roll 3.25” & 3.75”: Vaulted ceilings & standard corners

For most angles you’ll need to finish in a standard home or commercial space, your best buddies will be the 3.25” and 3.75” sizes of Fast Edge Roll. For just about any corner at just about any angle, these two widths will be able to leave behind a perfectly straight finished surface. Where they’re really going to shine is in the obtuse inside angles of vaulted or cathedral-style ceilings; just push the bead into a bed of mud to conform to its shape, and with 100 feet of bead in one box, you’ll be able to easily handle those long runs.

The more crooked your framing is, the wider your bead should be to correct it more easily, so Fast Edge Roll 3.75” is your best bet if there are some imperfections to work around, and 3.25” where you’ve got somewhat straighter drywall. Either way, though, both these widths are powerful drywall finishing accessories for almost any job.

Drywall Nation Fast Edge Roll 6

Fast Edge Roll 4.5”: Poor framing, big gaps & level-five finishes

Fast Edge Roll 4.5” is a beast of a bead, the widest size Fast Edge Roll you can choose. If you’ve got the all-too-common problem of poor framing and you need the best finish you can get, this bead is going to be a lifesaver. You have plenty of wiggle room to pinch this 4.5”-wide bead into place to leave perfectly straight lines behind, even when the underlying drywall is anything but. Bring along a box of Fast Edge Roll 4.5” and there’s basically no drywall problem you can’t solve.

All in all, no matter which size Fast Edge Roll you choose, the widths have more in common than they are different: all four will give you nice, straight corners; all four have those Mud Locks running along their vinyl cores for unbeatable bond strength; and all four have a thin design that makes them faster to finish with less mud than other rolled beads out there. Keep all four in your van for your next project and you’ll be equipped to cover any angle, any problem, any time.

Want to get a look at Fast Edge Roll for yourself? Fill out the form below and request a free sample of the 3.75” width and get ready to roll!

Are you ready to roll?

Are you ready to roll?

Get a free sample of the next big thing in drywall finishing, Fast Edge Rolls

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