Pro drywallers already handpick Trim-Tex’s abrasives for a flawless finish. And they use our best-in-class sanding blocks to make every little nook and cranny of their drywall look terrific. Well, we’ve got big news: our sanding blocks are now better than ever. Trim-Tex’s Dual Angle Dual Grit Sanding Block has been redesigned for improved durability — each block is now more efficient and longer-lasting — and, for a limited time, you can try out one these new blocks for free. Read on to learn more!
New & Improved Sanding Blocks Are More Durable Than Ever

Same shape, new tricks
The 885 Dual Angle Dual Grit Sanding Block’s still got all the same benefits finishers love about it. It still features two grits on every block; its tapered 70° angle that provides knuckle relief when digging into tight corners; and its radius edge that leaves behind a no-scuff surface. You’re just getting more bang for your buck with a block that stays tough for longer.

Request Your Free Sanding Block Now
Get hands-on with our new-and-improved Dual Angle Dual Grit Sanding Block — here's one free block to get you started!
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